Enze Xie (谢恩泽)
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Email: Johnny_ez@163.com | xieenze@connect.hku.hk
I am a Senior Research Scientist at NVIDIA Research, with the Efficient AI team led by
Prof. Song Han.
I am also a visiting researcher at MIT HAN Lab.
I am working on efficient AIGC/LLM/VLM models.
I was a senior researcher and research lead (in Generative AI) at AI Theory Lab of Huawei Noah's Ark Lab (Hong Kong).
I obtained my Ph.D. degree from Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong in 2022.
My advisor is Prof. Ping Luo and my co-advisor is Prof. Wenping Wang.
I also work very close with my friend Wenhai Wang.
I was fortunate to work with
Prof. Chunhua Shen (UofAdelaide),
Prof. Anima Anandkumar (CalTech),
and Prof. Sanja Fidler (UofT),
During my PhD study, I collaborated with several researchers in industry e.g. Facebook and NVIDIA.
I have worked for a period of time at a small yet specialized quant trading firm, developing Transformer-based futures forecasting models.
My research interest is solving challenging problems in computer vision and machine learning.
I did some works on instance-level detection and self/semi/weak-supervised learning.
I developed a few well-known computer vision algorithms including:
PolarMask (Rank 10 in CVPR 2020 Top-10 Influential Papers).
PVT (Rank 2 in ICCV 2021 Top-10 Influential Papers).
SegFormer (Rank 3 in NeurIPS 2021 Top-10 Influential Papers).
BEVFormer (Rank 6 in ECCV 2022 Top-10 Influential Papers).
I co-developed
OpenSelfSup (now mmselfsup), a popular self-supervised learning framework with 2k+ github star.
[2024.12] Serve as Area Chair for ICCV 2025 and Guest Editor for Pattern Recognition.
[2024.08] 1 paper accepted to Nature Communications Engineering. (The first time submitted a paper to Nature and got accepted!)
[2024.07] 3 paper accepted to ECCV, 1x RA-L and 1x TMLR.
[2024.04] Back to NVIDIA Research! Join the Efficient AI team.
[2024.01] 6 papers accepted to ICLR 2023 (1 Oral, 1 Spotlight) and 1 paper accepted to CVPR 2024.
[2023.11] 1 survey paper accepted to TPAMI.
[2023.09] 4 papers accepted to NeurIPS 2023.
[2023.07] 5 papers accepted to ICCV 2023 (2 Oral) and 1 paper accepted to TPAMI.
[2023.05] 1 paper accepted to ACL 2023.
[2022.08] Obtained my Ph.D. degree from HKU and join Huawei Noah's Ark Lab.
[2019.10] Join HKU MMLab as a PhD student and play computer vision.
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(* indicates equal contribution)
Selected Papers
Other Papers
Technical Report
Academic Service
Area Chair for ICCV 2025
Guest Editor for Pattern Recognition
Journal Reviewer for TPAMI, IJCV, RA-L, T-MM
Conference Reviewer for ICML, NeurIPS, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IROS, IJCAI, AAAI, WACV, ACCV
SPC for IJCAI21,22
Honours and Awards
KAUST AI Rising Star
WAIC Rising Star Award (15 awardees globally each year)
NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship Finalist Award (The first candidate from Chinese University in 21 years)
NeurIPS 2021 Outstanding Reviewer Award (top 8% of reviewers)
Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited Postgraduate Prize
Outstanding Master Thesis Award, Tongji University