M^2BEV: Multi-Camera Joint 3D Detection and Segmentation with Unified Bird’s-Eye View Representation

Enze Xie, Zhiding Yu, Daquan Zhou, Jonah Philion, Anima Anandkumar, Sanja Fidler, Ping Luo, Jose M. Alvarez

The University of Hong Kong, NVIDIA, National University of Singapore, University of Toronto, Vector Institute, Caltech

Tech Report

Official Project Page: https://nvlabs.github.io/M2BEV/

In this paper, we propose M^2BEV, a unified framework that jointly performs 3D object detection and map segmentation in the Bird's Eye View~(BEV) space with multi-camera image inputs. Unlike the majority of previous works which separately process detection and segmentation, M^2BEV infers both tasks with a unified model and improves efficiency. M^2BEV efficiently transforms multi-view 2D image features into the 3D BEV feature in ego-car coordinates. Such BEV representation is important as it enables different tasks to share a single encoder. Our framework further contains four important designs that benefit both accuracy and efficiency: (1) An efficient BEV encoder design that reduces the spatial dimension of a voxel feature map. (2) A dynamic box assignment strategy that uses learning-to-match to assign ground-truth 3D boxes with anchors. (3) A BEV centerness re-weighting that reinforces with larger weights for more distant predictions, and (4) Large-scale 2D detection pre-training and auxiliary supervision. We show that these designs significantly benefit the ill-posed camera-based 3D perception tasks where depth information is missing. M^2BEV is memory efficient, allowing significantly higher resolution images as input, with faster inference speed. Experiments on nuScenes show that M^2BEV achieves state-of-the-art results in both 3D object detection and BEV segmentation, with the best single model achieving 42.5 mAP and 57.0 mIoU in these two tasks, respectively.


Main Idea

Two solutions for multi-camera AV perception. Top: Multiple task-specific networks operating on individual 2D views cannot share features across tasks, and output view-specific results that need post-processing to fuse into the final, world-consistent output. Bottom: M^2BEV with a unified BEV feature representation, supporting multi-view multi-task learning with a single network.


The overall pipeline of M^2BEV. Given N images at timestamp T and corresponding intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters as input, the encoder first extracts 2D features from the multi-view images, then the 2D features are unprojected to the 3D ego-car coordinate frame to generate a Bird’s-Eye View (BEV) feature representation. Finally, task-specific heads are adopted to predict 3D objects and maps.


M^2BEV achieves state-of-the-art results on both 3D object detection and BEV segmentation on the nuScenes dataset. Moreover, benefit from the unified BEV representation, M^2BEV is more runtime-efficient than both detection-only and segmentation-only methods.

M^2BEV Demo - Day

M^2BEV is able to detect dense obstacles and segment maps accurately under complex road conditions.

M^2BEV Demo - Night

M^2BEV is also able to learn to see objects and environments clearly in the dark.


      title={M\^{} 2BEV: Multi-Camera Joint 3D Detection and Segmentation with Unified Birds-Eye View Representation},
      author={Xie, Enze and Yu, Zhiding and Zhou, Daquan and Philion, Jonah and Anandkumar, Anima and Fidler, Sanja and Luo, Ping and Alvarez, Jose M},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.05088},


We would like to thank Wenwei Zhang (NTU), Tai Wang (CUHK) and Tianyuan Zhang (CMU) for the early codebase discussion.